
Monday, 17 December 2018

Top Three Facts About New Zealand

There are lots of facts about New Zealand but I’m going to tell you three of my favourite facts.
1- Did you know that there are no snakes in New Zealand.

2-  The two offical languages in New Zealand are English and  Maori.
3- Thirty percent of New Zealand is forest.


Izzy SLJ said...

Good morning Liza

I’m Izzy and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey team. Thanks for making a start to your blogging.

You have picked three very interesting facts and explained them very clearly.

Do you think it is good that we have no snakes? I love snakes but I’m glad that I don’t run into them every day. That would be too scary.

Keep it up. The more of the day's activities you complete, the more points you get!

Blog you later,

Unknown said...

Hi Liza,

It’s Leslie here, writing to you from Canada where it’s very cold and snowy. Hard for you to imagine, I’m sure! I’m a member of the Summer Learning Journey team and I notice that you completed one of the activities before Christmas. Well done!

I think you might really enjoy some of the other activities, now that Christmas is over, because they invite you to be creative, making up a poster, story or poem and to talk about your favourite foods and activities. There's also lots of information about the unusual animals and plants that live in New Zealand and in other countries around the world. So interesting!!

There are still 3 full weeks left to participate in the Summer Learning Journey. I hope you’ll take a look and try some more of the activities. I’ll look for your postings and write back to you from Canada.

Meanwhile, have a really happy summer holiday!


lesieli said...

Hi Liza,
It's Lesieli from Glen Taylor That is some interesting facts about NZ.Learnt some new things.Great work, keep it up.

Heather Collins said...

Hi Liza...great to see you blogging on the SLJ. There's still some time to complete the activities before school begins - how many more can you get done? Keep up the great work.

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