First I would find a tree branch then carve it to make a sharp knife so I can kill animals and protect myself. Then I would make a tent with branches and leaves. I would go hunting for any animal like a tiger and kill it so I can eat but first I would make a fire and take off the skin so it's easier to eat the meat. I would then use the skin and put the leaves inside to make a pillow and I would go hunting for a bigger animal to make a blanket so I can keep warm.
In the morning I would try to hunt for a tiger for breakfast and make a bigger fire for meat. Then I would find a lake to drink water so I'm not thirsty. I would find a branch to make a toy to keep me company and distracted. I would find a cute and kind animal to play with and to be my friend and I would go hunting with it. I would have a shower and wear my long coat like a dress to protect me so that I don't get sick or cold.
After that I would go hunting for lunch with my sharp branch and eat hot cooked meat again. I will find water and a fruit and mix it together in my cup. I will make a cup by using a coconut and cutting it in half to make a cup. I will smash the fruit in to the water to make fruit juice.
I would play with my stick toy to keep me entertained so I'm not bored in the morning. I would go fishing in the lake and shower and wash my hair and body so I'm fresh and clean after hunting.
There's a lot I would try to do to survive in the jungle.